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Successful men don't like to date up

"Successful men don't date up. They are intimidated by wealthy women unless they are blue bloods. Successful men want to always take care of their women, and that means financially."

I have read  the Wall Street Journal from a millionaire matchmaker Patti Stanger , that well-off men don't want to date a wealthy women, unless the women inherited that money of course. She might know a certain brand of millionaires, but I'm not buying the idea that every rich dude finds a successful women intimidating. I am not a rich girl but I think, hardworking self -made female millionaires that are often intimidating to these men. That's my point of view. 

On the other hand, I cannot generalize for all successful man. Because there are a lot, out there too who married with successful women and double the income what he makes. Hmmm...As we absolutely know that women loves to be pampered by their men. And men loves to provide for and take care of their "woman". Take out for dinner, buying jewelry, etc.. provide that make her happy and satisfy. Those are the things they can do and feel manly. 

Nevertheless, who doesn't want a luxury  life? With all the good things that makes you happy. It is always a dream of everybody. And its intimidating to have a guy to pay and give everything for you. Isn't it?

Have you experience like that? How do you feel? Did you ask yourself how can you repay him? 

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