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Personalize your Wedding Cord

According to Wapedia , traditional wedding cord known as wedding lasso or wedding lasso cord is a wedding paraphernalia use in some Christian Catholic wedding ceremonies. This is actually the presentation of the loop of rosary beads made out of white satin and silk. During the wedding proper, this is traditionally formed into a figure of eight shape around the neck areas of the bride and the groom after they have made the wedding vows, and are already kneeling on pillows for the announcement of the wedding prayer. This cord symbolizes lifetime unity or the everlasting union of the bride and groom when they officially become husband and wife as well a symbol of marital protection; while the loops signifies their love for one another. After the wedding this marital twine is typically kept by the bride as a wedding souvenir.

To make your wedding bond more memorable and cherished, customizing your wedding cords based with  your motif would be great idea and lovely. It is also a wonderful and unique gifts for a bride-to-be on her bridal shower. 

I ordered my personalize wedding cords through  Wedding Unity Cords .

It is has been design as a rosary - made with fuchsia pink and turquoise blue crystals accented by white glassy crystals. Each loop represents the five mysteries with our name initials at the center connected with a beautiful silver crucifix. As our spiritual guidance to our journey into marriage life. 

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