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essential guide to find your own true love

hey guys want to share you this quiz on how do we really tell if he is just not into to to stop wasting time on a DUD( definitely unworkable dude) Just give your boyfriend one point for each of this 16 characteristics he exhibit...

After 19 months of strongly steady.... haven't meet him yet:

  • Eager to see you 1
  • Reluctant to leave you
  • Wants regular consistent contact, asks for dates 1
  • Interested in you and your life 1
  • Wants to be helpful
  • Is verbally and physically affectionate
  • Wants to be romantic and sexual with you 1
  • Texts, emails or calls regularly 1
  • Acts like you are very special; doesn’t really want to date others 1
  • If you are dating other men--willing to hang in there
  • Becoming more attentive and loving over time
  • Becoming more open to sharing his feelings and thoughts 1
  • Becoming more open to sharing his living space 1
  • Becoming more open to sharing his social life with friends and family members. 1
  • Saying he loves you 1
  • Saying he wants a future with you 1
TOTAL = 11 - he just may be the one , yeheyyyyy!!!!

Please be really honest with yourself as you rate your guy. When in doubt, ask your closest friends to help you. If your man has a score of 4 or less, it probably indicates that he is just not that into you. If he gets 5-10 points the dude may have possibilities. Eleven (11) or more means he just may be the One. Look for more of these qualities over time to make a clearer assessment.
If your guy has a low score, you do not need to cut him off right away. A guy who really is into you will stay the course and win you.
Bottom line: if you want to find the One, look for a man who provides regular and consistent contact that gets better over time. You should find yourself continually surprised at how he fills your needs to be chosen, appreciated, romanced and celebrated for who you are. Envision this kind of love and choose guys who are that into you.

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1 response to "essential guide to find your own true love"

  1. yamashita says:

    ehemmmmmmmmmmm, i'm not leaving you chumpoy

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