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Love-do you have a list?

Yes, I used to write notes, list, anything that I can think randomly. Even forward text messages, I copied it as quotes collection and put it in my little notebook.

Do you make list also about love? Like what qualities and standard to the person you want to meet and wanted to be?

Some people do , I supposed we all do, adult, teenagers. And when time to bring it forward, the hard part is trying to translate that list into reality. Most of us over simplify or take things out of context. This is because our list is not always weighed in the same context or in order of importance.  Actually writing a list will give me the opportunity to prioritize what is really important to me.  Then I can strike off what is not so important, or at least their degrees of quality.

On your wish list you should focus on your needs, not always your wants.  We sometimes find our wants to be unrealistic. Focus on your bottom line.  Then narrow those needs down to maybe three or four.  If you have 10 needs and a person only has maybe 8 or 9, you may tend to eliminate that person. Sometimes good qualities can flip over and become bad ones. 

The conclusion: so what if he/she is too short? So what if he/she is maybe chubbier than you wanted?What if he/she is not good looking. What if she/he is not a degree holder.  If you have fun, if your life-styles are similar, if what you need is someone reliable, maybe not necessarily rich, if you need someone who is dependable, and most importantly can make a living, etc, it may be what you thought you wanted, is not what you needed.  If you have fun with a person who may not be everything you wanted, give them a closer look anyway. Who know's?

It is not settling to fall in love with Mr or Ms Good Enough.  Bear it in mind.  Maybe you've eliminated people you shouldn't have eliminated.

It is not Settling to fall in love with Mr or Ms Good Enough.  Bear it in mind.  Maybe you've eliminated people you shouldn't have eliminated.

Not anyone could be as lucky as my lovely lady(employer). She had a handsome, good looking, a doctor by profession, responsible husband.

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